Meet the 2019 PGRC Board Candidates

The slate of board candidates includes incumbents and as well as members who were nominated to take on important roles within the club. Click on the links for the candidates’ bios. Don’t forget to join us on November 17 for our fall meeting and board elections.


President: Ndegwa Kamau (incumbent)

Vice President: Yvonne Hill (incumbent)

Secretary: Lisa Jordan (incumbent)

Treasurer: Mark Shroder (incumbent)


Membership Coordinator: Keirston Woods (new candidate)

Information Coordinator: Tina Nixon (incumbent)

Race Coordinator: Anthony (Tony) Bell (new candidate)

Training Coordinator: Maria Green (incumbent)

Volunteer Coordinator: Chris Nichols (incumbent)

Equipment Coordinator: James Roberts (incumbent)

Member-at-large: Monique (Mo) Richards (new candidate)

Social Chair: Fai Nelson (incumbent)


Keirston Woods
I have never fancied myself a runner. In fact, if you’d asked me in 2016 or before, I would have explained that I hated running for the sake of running – I only enjoyed doing it in connection with a sport! I also thought that running clubs were only for experienced runners. However, in late Spring 2017, I was searching for a different activity; something challenging, complementary to a healthy lifestyle and well-suited for individual or group activity. While scrolling through social media, I saw an advertisement for PGRC’s Running Start Training Program, which was soon kicking-off. Despite my misgivings about the sport and its clubs, this advertisement intrigued me – the opportunity to learn about running and figure out why so many people love it, in a club that not only embraces new runners, but actively seeks them out. Hmmm? Little did I know that, in that moment, my relationship with running and with an amazing, fun and supportive group of runners of every level was born!

I have been running since June 2017, and advanced from 1:1 run/walk intervals to double digit miles in just over a year and I attribute that, in part, to the amazing people who are Prince George’s Running Club. I, now, enjoy the activity and challenges of running! I savor the competition and experiences of races! I look forward to meeting my PGRC family at weekly club runs! I appreciate the training and opportunity to learn from my PGRC coaches! I value the opportunity to motivate and inspire others and be motivated and inspired by them! I love all of the comedic and informative moments with my team that make me laugh and contemplate! All of this is PGRC. PGRC IS ABOUT THE SPORT AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE IT!!

As Membership Coordinator, I hope to introduce more runners to our AMAZING club and have the opportunity to cultivate new runners, like myself! I will work with fellow members of the board to integrate membership-focused components into existing club events, as well as facilitate new activities and events to draw new membership to the club. But, I will need the help of our existing members who love PGRC! Nothing and no one call sell PGRC better than US! I hope to engage my fellow club members to expand our membership reach. Don’t be surprised to hear from me!

Monique (Mo) Richards
I joined PGRC in 2016 for the Running Start 5K program. I have to admit, I couldn’t run a lick when I joined the program! I started off doing a walk-run method and in May 2018 I completed my first full marathon!! I’ve also ran a couple of half-marathons, 10 milers, 10Ks, 5 milers and 5Ks along the way 😊. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support and encouragement from my PGRC family. There’s always been a team member cheering me on at the finish line, during training and weekly runs. I am so grateful and proud of my running club, and I look forward to running many more races with my fam!

Anthony (Tony) Bell
The start of the running bug;

In 2002, I ran my first Army 10 Miler with a small group of soldiers to support the Army and all branches of the military.

In 2003, I ran in the Mardi Gras Marathon to raise money for AIDS Research in the D.C. area.

During a run in Greenbelt Park, I encountered a group of cheerful people running and having fun. One member, Karen Braxton joyfully invited me to join the PGRC and at which I also met Charles Outlaw, who introduced me to the heartfelt members of PGRC.

After joining PGRC, I became more involved with running. This was not just a running club to run, it was and is, about the bonding & camaraderie with folks in your community with active interests.

I have been a PGRC Pace Leader for the 5K, 8K, 10K, 10-mile training group & the Sunrise Coordinator for the Army 10 Miler, held every year.

This will be my first role as PGRC Race Coordinator & with my co-coordinator/Monique Richards, we are up for the challenge.

Prince Georges County has a vast number of runners & walkers looking for an active, supportive club to join like PGRC.

In addition, if you are interested in other local running groups, including the ones running for a cause, we will do our best to provide knowledge, involvement, and information about those as well.

As the Sunrise Coordinator (preparation for the Army 10 Miler), I might have some criteria.

I will try to be warm, effective, rational, encouraging and to end it all with a smile.

You will never have to run alone in Prince Georges County again because “We Run the County”
