Location: UMD Kehoe Track, 7898 Championship Ln, College Park, MD 20742
- Time: 6:30-8:00pm. Warm-up starts at 6:30pm, first repeat starts at 7:00pm.
- Who: All club members, guests, and visitors. All paces and experience levels. Children are welcome, if accompanied by a responsible adult.
- Time-Based Workouts: We run the group workouts by time rather than distance since we have a wide variety of paces, everyone runs for the same amount of time, and gets the same amount of recovery (usually 3 minutes between each repeat).
Training paces
Recommended pace for your intervals is typically your 1 mile pace-10k pace, depending on your goals andthe length of time of the interval. But you are welcome to run at whatever pace you choose (and that may include walking and easy jogging for beginner runners and those recovering from injuries, hard races, etc.) You are also welcome to do your own workout rather than follow the group workout.
As we move from fall into winter, remember to carry/wear running lights, if you have them, to increase visibility.
Some resources to help you determine your own training pace.
Track etiquette
Please follow the following guidelines:
- The 2 inside lanes are reserved for faster running and speedwork. Please stay in the outside lanes if you are walking, and during warm-ups, drills, and recovery intervals.
- If you hear a runner coming from behind, please move to the OUTSIDE of the track. Faster runners wishing to pass in the inside lane should yell “track.”
- Do not form a blockade by walking or running more than 2 abreast.
We typically spend the first 15 minutes jogging slowly, followed by some strides and/or drills. Here are some resources that explain and demonstrate these concepts:
Alternate Location when Track is Unavailable: Herbert Wells Ice Rink, 5211 Campus Dr, College Park, MD 20740