Important PGRC Update Regarding COVID-19

Dear PGRC Community,

Thank you all for what you are doing in the midst of this pandemic. All our efforts to help stop the spread of the virus – from staying at home, to maintaining social distancing while running during club runs and training programs – are having an important impact for our club and the broader running community.  In particular, I would like to thank you for adapting to this new way of running and for doing so with a positive outlook. It is very important that we remain calm during this turbulent time, with so much uncertainty swirling around us.

The PGRC Board continues to prioritize your health and wellness in all our decisions. We are also working diligently to ensure that PGRC continues in its important missions to our club members and to our local community. With this in mind, I wanted to share some news and guidance:

As I mentioned last week, we have been carefully monitoring information from our public officials, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Road Runners Club of America (RRCA), and various news outlets regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.  This information is constantly changing, and we have been doing our best to keep everyone informed.

As of yesterday, with the new guidelines from our Governor, and also from the RRCA, it is with my deepest regret that, effective immediately, our club meetups, weekly runs, and training programs are cancelled until further notice.  

Our PGRC community is strong and tight-knit.  Some people from the club will continue to meet up for personal runs, but, unfortunately, these cannot be under the PGRC umbrella.  There are also many virtual options.   We encourage you to remain active, as best you can, while also taking the necessary precautions to maintain your mental and physical well-being. During your personal runs please be sure to follow the guidelines of the CDC by keeping them at a max of 10 people, and staying 6ft apart.  Also, be sure to share your spirit by continuing to post your running photos on our various social media sites!  #PGRCSelfieLoveNotWar

I truly believe that we still need to take time for our own physical and mental health as we continue to adjust to this current situation. Parks and trails are still open; so, if you have some extra time during the day, try to get outside and go for a walk or run.  Visit a park, or simply take a walk through your neighborhood.  Exercising, eating well, and getting plenty of sleep, are all-necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Please stay in communication with the club so that you are aware of any developments.  

Thank you so much for your continuous support of our club. 

I hope that everyone stays healthy and continues to practice safe habits.  We are all in this together, and it is an honor for me to be in this with the best running club in the county! 

If there is anything that we can do to continue to make running an enjoyable and beneficial experience please let us know.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or issues. I am here for you!! 

Respectfully yours, 

Ndegwa R. Kamau 

PGRC Board President