Early Bird 5K Training – Spring 2025

Looking for a base building walk/run program? Coming back or starting an active lifestyle? Know someone who has been trying to train for a 5K race but needs a little extra support and motivation?

The Early Bird 5K Training Program is a low-key program that will train participants to complete a 5K (3.1 mile) event as a walk, run, or a combination of walking and easy pace running. All participants will be prepared to complete 5K events and smoothly transition to our Running Start 5K Training Program to continue the running/fitness journey.

For more information and to register visit: Early Bird Training Program.


Start Date/Time: Saturday, March 8, 2025, 8:00 am.  
First meeting at Herbert Well’s Ice Rink parking lot, College Park, MD.

The program features three coached sessions per week, meeting on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at University of Maryland Kehoe Track, Thursdays 6:30 PM at Wells Ice Rink (park near trail entrance far end of lot), and on Saturdays at 8:00 AM at various locations in PG County.

Participants need to be members or join PGRC and must be 18 or older. Membership – Prince George’s Running Club (pgrc.org).

Target Event: Participants are encouraged to register for the DCRRC Women’s Distance Festival 5K/ Men’s Run after the Women 5K, and/or the Howard County Striders Women’s Distance Festival 5K as their graduation run.  Details on the races will be provided soon.

Also recommended are the PGRC summer series, College Park Parkrun, and the Maryland RRCA Women’s Distance Festival or Men’s run after the women races, Women’s Distance Festival – Maryland RRCA (maryland-rrca.org)

Participants are encouraged to sign up to volunteer at a race you are not choosing, as PGRC is a volunteer organization. PGRC’s Springburst 10 K is on April 26th and our very own PGRC Women’s Distance Festival 5K will be held in August.

Questions can be emailed to training@pgrc.org

10 Mile Club Challenge – Registration Is Open

Registration is now open for the annual RRCA Club Challenge 10M on February 23, 2025 in Columbia, MD, so register today to run as part of the PGRC team!

The RRCA Club Challenge is a race between RRCA running clubs in Maryland and Washington, D.C. The race has a course limit of 2 hours 10 minutes. 

This year, PGRC will cover 100% of the participation cost for our runners. Please sign up for the event only if you are committed to running the event.  Only current paid-up PGRC members are eligible for to run as part of the PGRC team. You are welcome to invite friends as long as they join the club.  
Additional information about the RRCA club challenge can be found at:  https://www.striders.net/rrca-club-challenge/


Registration is open now through February 13, 2025 

Club code:    RRCA2025PGRC (Note: the runner will be required to enter this code, even though it results in no price change.  A ‘coupon’ is required to complete the entry process) 

Club unique registration URL (will pre-populate discount code):  


Generic / public registration URL: https://register.chronotrack.com/r/84253

Volunteers Are Needed

As we do each year, having volunteers from all participating clubs helps drive up the energy and atmosphere for this unique event.  There is nothing like having a face you know cheer you on midway through these rolling 10 miles.  Volunteerism will be tracked so that each club can have a record of their member participation, so please note PGRC within the optional comments. 

2025 RRCA Club Challenge – Volunteer Sign Up 

Volunteer:  https://signup.com/go/sfxOjJs

Training Has Started

There are four training days per week (Saturday and Sunday mornings, and Tuesday and Thursday evenings). Detailed training locations and times can be found on our 10 Mile Club Challenge Training page.


It’s that time of year again!  We are currently seeking nominations to fill key roles on the board of directors for the 2025 season. While nominations are being accepted for all positions, we are especially in need of nominations for Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, At-Large Members to support Communications, Outreach, and Event Sponsorship Coordinator.  The election for all positions takes place  during the next PGRC annual club meeting, which will be scheduled in the coming weeks.

Please see this description of PGRC board positions [PDF], including the individual responsibilities of each role. All current club members are more than welcome to nominate themselves (or another member!) for any position, and it certainly does not matter how long you have been a PGRC member.

Nominations must be submitted to <President@pgrc.org> by February 1.  The subject should read PGRC Board Nominee so it doesn’t get caught in my mass delete efforts.

If you have any questions, please contact president@pgrc.org or vicepres@pgrc.org.

10 Mile Training Program Starts January 4, 2025!!

Happy New Year! It’s not to late to register for the 2025 unofficial winter 10-mile training program (“unofficial” means that it’s free!).  Coaches D and Dave will be coaching the program, with the goal of running the RRCA10-mile Club Challenge in Columbia, MD on February 23, 2025. 

The RRCA Club Challenge is an annual race between all RRCA running clubs in Maryland and Washington DC. For those who run the 10-mile Club Challenge, PGRC will pay the $40 running fee for your participation. If you chose not to run the Club Challenge, you can still participate in the training for free! 

We will begin training on Saturday, January 4 at Greenbelt Park at 8:00 am. There will be four training days per week (Saturday and Sunday mornings, and Tuesday and Thursday evenings). Detailed training locations and times are listed below.

If you are interested in participating, you can register by emailing Dave Roeder at: roeder3909@yahoo.com or Coach D at: ndegwakamau@comcast.net. Please include your cell phone number, as we will be communicating by text. All running and walking levels are welcomed!

Additional information about the RRCA Club Challenge can be found at: https://www.striders.net/rrca-club-challenge.

Training Locations and Times:

Day               Time                  Location                Link
Sunday          8:00 am            Mission BBQ         https://goo.gl/maps/x6s83ktWxbn
Tuesday        6:30 pm             Ludwig Field         https://goo.gl/maps/Rp957wYP8822
Thursday       6:30 pm             Herbert Wells       https://goo.gl/maps/co8oVKLg7wn
Saturday        8:00 am             Greenbelt Park    https://www.nps.gov/gree/planyourvisit/maps.htm

We look forward to a fun and successful training program for everyone. 

Memorial Day Holiday Fun Run!

Please join us for our Memorial Day Federal Holiday Run, on Monday May 27th 2024 at 8:00 AM!

This run is taking place in Bowie, on the WB&A Trail. We will run heading toward Glenn Dale, so you should enjoy a slight downhill run on the way back!  There is no official distance for this run, we will run 45 minutes out-and-back, but feel free to adjust the time for your own running/walking goals. There will be popsicles and other snacks for everyone as you finish.

As always, we welcome all paces and abilities! Friends and family always welcome, but probably best to leave the strollers in the car. Don’t forget to wear your PGRC gear if you have it!

Parking Location and instructions:

The starting point is the WB&A Trail/Horsepen Branch Park Parking lot, off Race Track Road: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dv3AkCnbp69PtTX36

Arrive at 7:45am for introductions and we will begin the run at 8:00am.

RSVP is not required, but is appreciated. If you would like to RSVP, please email Chuck Wolfe, seawolfe92@gmail.com

Presidents Day Holiday Fun Run!

Join us for our first federal holiday run of the year, on Presidents Day, Monday February 19th 2024 at 8:40 AM!

This one is a special trail run through Greenbelt National Park. The main route will be 5.3 miles and there will be an option for a shorter distance. If you’ve been interested in trying trail running, this is a great way to get started. The group will meet at the Sweetgum Picnic area at 8:40a for introductions and route details. All paces welcome!

Parking Location and instructions:

6565 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770

Main parking location: Sweetgum Picnic Area

Alternative parking location: Dogwood Trailhead Parking area

All paces, friends, and family are welcome (though strollers should probably be left in the car)! Don’t forget to wear your PGRC gear.

For questions or RSVP, please email membership@pgrc.org

Hope to see you there!

Join PGRC at New Year’s College Park parkrun!

Season’s greetings Runners!

This New Year’s Day,  join us at one of our favorite running events in the area!

College Park parkrun will, once again, host a NYD special, so come out on Monday, January 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM for a FREE 5K!

If you haven’t been to parkrun before, you’ll be in for a treat! This fantastic community event gathers runners and walkers (and barkers) of all ages for a 5K along the beautiful Paint Branch Trail. Kids, strollers, and dogs are welcome. Just make sure you register on their website beforehand to receive a barcode (and your results). Normally this event takes place every Saturday (come out for a teaser on December 30), but every once in a while we get an extra parkrun during the week.

Not ready to run the course yet, there are volunteer opportunities available! You can see which positions are still open by going to this link: www.parkrun.us/collegepark/futureroster Send an email to collegepark@parkrun.com to volunteer.

If you New Year’s resolution is to get more active or more involved with the community, this a great way to get started. Head to their websiteFacebook Page, or Instagram page to get more information. 

Hope to see you there!

What: Free 5K! 
When: Monday, January 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM (but also every Saturday at 9:00AM)
Where: Paint Branch Trail, 4289 Metzerott Road, College Park, MD 20740
How: Register on their website. Bring your barcode (provided after you register; either print or have it saved to your phone). Bring friends, family, dogs, and strollers. Or just yourself!
Why: Because it’s a fantastic event full of great people and good cheer!

See you there!

The Wright Stuff 8K 2024

You’ve got the right stuff, so join us for The Wright Stuff 8K race on Saturday December 7 in College Park!

The Wright Stuff is a Prince George’s Running Club (PGRC) signature race.
Register: https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/CollegePark/WrightStuff10K

A salute to the College Park Airport and a celebration of the Wright Brother’s first flight on December 17, 1903, our race takes runners through the beautiful Northwest Anacostia River Trail–which snakes past the nation’s oldest continuously running airport! 

PGRC members save $5.00 on the registration fee. More info on the Wright Stuff, including registration: https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/CollegePark/WrightStuff10K

The race premium will be guaranteed to the first 100 registrants.

If you have any questions, please contact wrightstuff@pgrc.org.

We look forward to you joining us for a fun 8K!

College Park Turkey Trot 2023

We would love to see lots of our PGRC friends at 9AM on Thanksgiving Day for College Park Parkrun‘s annual Turkey Trot! It’s free, it’s friendly, it’s fresh, and it might even be frosty! One more perk: the city of College Park is sponsoring some coffee and hot chocolate. We have a history of large attendance on Thanksgiving–in fact our attendance record for College Park parkrun was set on Thanksgiving 2022 (309 finishers). We think we could easily top that record next week!

We would love for you to join us.

Even if you can’t run or walk right now, for any reason–come along and join the camaraderie, cheer in the finishers, have some hot chocolate, or heck, throw on a yellow vest and do some barcode scanning at the finish. Hope to see you there!

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Holiday Fun Run

Join us for our next federal holiday run on Indigenous Peoples’ Day (aka Columbus Day), Monday October 9th at 8:30 AM. This time, PGRC heads to Oxon Hill for an easy run/walk across Woodrow Wilson Bridge. We will meet in the Tanger Outlets parking lot in Oxon Hill and run across the bridge to the DC Boundary Stone. There will be two distance options, 3-miles and 7.5-miles (or shorter by turning around sooner). Both are out-and-back. Afterwards there is an option to hang around and get coffee at Starbucks.

All paces and abilities are welcome! We encourage you to invite friends and family. Of course, wear your PGRC gear if you have it!

Route details:
Short run – https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5759922424/
Long run – https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/5759919238/

About 1.5 miles runners will reach Potomac Waterfront Park on Rosalie Island. That is the turnaround point for the short distance.

For those interested in the longer distance, the bridge crossing is ~3-miles, but going a little further along the connecting Mt. Vernon Trail will lead runners to Jones Point Park where the South DC Boundary Stone resides. This is America’s first federal monument and marks the southern boundary of DC-Virginia-Maryland. How cool!?

Reviews of the trail highlight the stunning views; however, please note that there is very minimal shade (so wear sunscreen and your PGRC hats 😉) and it can get quite noisy from the cars on the bridge.

Parking Location and instructions:
6800 Oxon Hill Rd, Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Park in the northwest corner of the Tanger Outlets parking lot (on the corner of Oxon Hill Rd and Tanger Blvd). We will meet at the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Trail Parking sign.

There will be yellow-fluorescent caps available for purchase ($15).

For questions or RSVP, please email membership@pgrc.org

Hope to see you there!