Due to the icy conditions, the track workout is canceled tonight. Stay warm and safe.
January 15, 2019 Track Night CANCELLED

Due to the icy conditions, the track workout is canceled tonight. Stay warm and safe.
Due to the inclement weather, tomorrow’s run will be CANCELLED.
Your safety is always our priority.
Everyone please stay safe!
FYI, the track will be closed for soccer games on Oct 16 and 23, so the track workout will meet at Wells Ice Arena instead.
Tonight’s UMD track workout is canceled due to the excessive heat warning.
Thursday’s races are still on! You can register here. Also, take a moment to find out about our marathon and half marathon training programs, which are starting soon, as well as the Women’s Distance Festival 5k and Men’s 5k in August.
Also, don’t forget to RSVP for the Bowie Baysox game by tomorrow.
Have a good evening and a happy 4th!
Join PGRC as we co-host Thursday night runs/walks with Calvert Brewery in Upper Marlboro. Join us at 6:30pm every other Thursday at Calvert Brewery for a 2 to 3 mile run/walk. Afterwards, runners/walkers receive 1/2 off their first beer. The next run/walk is on May 24th.
Calvert Brewing Company
15850 Commerce Ct,
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Due to the inclement weather forecast, tonight’s track work out is cancelled. Please reach out to any of our members that were planning to attend.
Everyone please be safe, and enjoy the rest of your day.
Thanks so much!!
Join the PGRC crew on Monday, February 19th, 8 am, at the parking lot for the Glenn Dale Splash Park,11901 Glenn Dale Road (Route 193).
Depending on the ambitions of those present, we will take the Washington Baltimore and Annapolis Trail either south to Annapolis Road (3.8 miles out and back) or north to Race Track Road (8.2 miles out and back).
When you’re done, the Board will want to know whether you think the club should sponsor a race on the WB&A. We hope to see you there!
Join PGRC’s walking group! During the winter months, the group will be walking indoors at some of the local malls in the Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, and Howard County areas. Visit the PGRC Walking Group page for more information. You can also subscribe to the group calendar or email walk@pgrc.org to be added to the mailing list to get updates.